EuroScience Open Forum 2022
Planned cooperation with European colleagues at the conference in Leiden
On July 13-16 2022, the Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF), which takes place every two years, will be held July 13-16 in Leiden, Netherlands. During the largest interdisciplinary scientific conference in Europe, leading scientists, young researchers, PhD’s industry, innovators, policymakers, scientific journalists, and everyone with scientific interest of the general public come together to discuss cutting-edge scientific results and their impact on society. This years’ theme will be “Crossing Borders, Engaged Science, Resilient Societies”. In cooperation with colleagues from the Leiden University, Utrecht University and the University of Zurich, the Impact Unit plans to participate at the conference with a contribution on evaluation of science communication. Rather than just looking at what has been done so far, the poster shall also focus on where the future in evaluating science lies.
In addition, the Impact Unit will moderate and engage in a panel discussion with experts in science communication from Sweden, Portugal and the United Kingdom. Results from three national surveys on researchers’ experiences with and attitudes towards science communication and engagement (Sweden, Germany, UK) will be presented. Moreover, possible support mechanisms will be discussed together with the audience.